
By MollyG


The day started off ok, slightly cooler than yesterday. I met up with couple of my university friends for lunch and as usual we had a good old blether. Rhona reminded us that it is fifty years ago this summer since we went on our Interrail holiday - blimey, where did the time go! Sad that Isabel is no longer with us to reminisce.

As we wandered back along Princes Street for the others to get bus or train, it had become decidedly cooler, with a bit of a spit in the air. Jennifer had bravely come out with only short sleeves and no jacket, so I hope she got home without suffering too much. The rain was just coming on properly as I arrived home by Shanks Pony.

Since I didn’t have a blip I had to brave the wet to take a picture of a leaf in the garden.

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