
By TheOttawacker

The calm before the storm

 The last time I went for some blood work and an ECG, some weird and mysterious things happened. This time, I wandered in and gave some blood, gave some urine and had an EKG (or perhaps an ECG or even a GCE) and nothing happened. Is this what life is supposed to be like? How boring. The closest I came to excitement was watching the rain fall through the window, and watching an incipient argument between a patient and the receptionist because he had lost his glasses. It didn’t even get started really as she smiled and pointed out they were on his forehead. Nothing. How can I write cutting-edge satire in these conditions? Hm?
I spent the day working, watching the rain fall, and basically enjoying peace and quiet. Ottawacker Jr. is at the beginning of his last week in Grade 5, so I had better enjoy it while I can.
I also set up an appointment with a local gym for an assessment. I am not sure if they will have had anything quite like me to assess before, but you never know. I am getting worse by the day and can see the time soon when I will be spoon-fed gruel by my kith and kin while being force-shuffled across the floor to the “evening chair” or the “afternoon couch” or the “morning recliner”. Not sure if Ottawa is to blame for the onset of arthritic misery or whether I pulled a muscle or two stretching.

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