Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Fingers Crossed

A stupidly busy day with a long way still to go. I just discovered I spent it wearing ripped shorts, and not in a designer, trendy sort of way, a showing off your pants sort of way. If it's not Nutella on my chin it's my arse hanging out my shorts.

Anyway, this is a quick shot of a flower from my father-in-law's garden.

One of the gerbils is poorly, the poor lad is not eating or drinking and keeps falling over. He's normally a live-wire, impossible to catch but today he is listless and let me pick him up to take him to the vet. He lay still whilst she examined him. No particular cause, she gave him some antibiotics but they have not had any effect yet. Big decisions to be made tomorrow if he doesn't improve. We are all a little sad. Well, his brother isn't as he's getting to eat all the food and extra treats we are throwing in. Fingers crossed.

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