Sensational Summer Scene
Digley, on what was supposed to be a cool morning. but which turned out to be blazing hot. Hot doggie and I had a lovely walk - I carefully checked for Nutella on my chin and holes in my shorts and I was fine. Needless to say we never bumped into another soul to whom I could show off my chocolate-free face and lack of derrière.
Last time I came here was for the Huddersfield A -Z, and Lizzie refused to get out of the car. No such problems today; the dog who used to get me up at 4am, pee in the house, refuse to get out of the car and run away terrified from other dogs is a distant memory. Now I have a dog who just runs away!!!
So in the car this morning I heard 3 of the finest summer songs ever - Summer of 69, Wouldn't it be Nice, and Boys of Summer - much out of tune singing along. But I decided to go for something that anybody of the female persuasion and about my age would smile at - which one was your favourite?
Gerbil Update - thank you all you kind folks for sending good wishes for the little fella - after 6 hours of not seeing him we found him curled up with his brother deep in the tank, barely breathing and hardly able to move. I had prepared my daughter for sad news, and we all said our goodbyes.
This morning he was running round the tank, ate a whole cheese biscuit and tried to bite me. Normal service has been resumed. His name is Rizzo but he will from now on be known as Lazarus. He's here. (after 487 attempts to capture him)
Remind me again why we have pets?
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