
By GracieG

In the Car Park

B and I enjoyed a sunny morning walk on Kelling Heath.  We walked down to Weyborne Station and were slightly disappointed to find that the station buffet was closed.  So we walked back onto the heath and visited the cafe in the holiday village instead.  B had an ice-cream and I really enjoyed an iced latte, a great way to enjoy my usual morning coffee in hot weather.

I sometimes think that wearing a camera is a bit like having a dog, in as much as it sometimes prompts complete strangers, with like minded interests, to come over and chat.  B and I ended up having a great conversation with a man who was on holiday here who'd spotted our cameras.  We're hoping we might have piqued his interest in blipfoto.

I took loads of photos, but it was this snap of wild flowers and barley that I took at the end of the walk, (in the car park), which turned out to be my favourite.

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