
By tridral

Pŵer Atwrnai

Pŵer Atwrnai ~ Power of Attorney

“Drop mind, intellect and consciousness, leave memory, thinking, and observing alone. Don't try to fabricate Buddha. Don't be concerned with how well or how poorly you think you are doing; just understand that time is as precious as if you were putting out a fire in your hair.”
― Keizan

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Rhai wythnosau yn ôl, siaradodd dyn o gwmni twrneiod â Sefydliad y Merched yn yr Eglwys Newydd am ei waith e i greu Pŵer Atwrnai i bobl. Roedd hon yn atgoffa i ni y dylen ni gwneud rhywbeth am Bŵer Atwrnai rhag ofn inni fynd yn wanychol yn feddyliol ('sut bydden ni'n gwybod', gofynnodd Daniel, yn edrych arna i) . Felly heddiw dechreuon ni'r proses. Daeth y dyn rown i siarad â ni a dechrau'r gwaith papur. Rydyn ni'n trio cadw pethau yn syml fel nad oes gan Richard a Daniel ormod o waith i'w wneud pan ddaeth yr amser. Bydd cyfarfod arall wythnos nesa.

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A few weeks ago, a man from a firm of solicitors spoke to the Women's Institute in Whitchurch about his work creating  a Power of Attorney for people. This reminded us that we should do something about Power of Attorney in case we become mentally debilitated ('how would we know', asked Daniel, looking at me). So today we started the process. The man came round to talk to us and started the paperwork. We are trying to keep things simple so that Richard and Daniel don't have too much work to do when the time comes. There will be another meeting next week.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Creu papurau cyfreithiol (wedi'u gweld trwy wydraid o ddŵr)
Description (English): Creating legal papers (seen through a glass of water)

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