Bendith priodas

Bendith priodas ~ Wedding blessing

We can only share the experience of love if we let go of our definitions of who we are and what we plan to become. If we allow our boundaries to blur, we become an endless flurry of provocative movements. These gestures express love, in the way in which a whale surfaces or a shark discovers its depth; the way in which surf roils in swells of the ocean and waves crash into bright shingle; the way a gull cries; an owl feels night beneath her wings; the wind blows, snow falls, thunder rolls; ice melts; frost glitters; or the sun and moon blaze through the unknown swathe of time.”
― Ngak'chang Rinpoche and Khandro Déchen

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Roedden ni yng ngorllewin Cymru i ddathlu'r fendith priodas ein ffrindiau Métsal a Jagyür. Cafodd y fendith ei roi gan ein hathrawon Bwdist.  Roedd y diwrnod cyfan yn llawen gyda llawer o bobol a llawer o fwyd, diod a cherddoriaeth hefyd. Roedd e'n dda iawn cwrdd â phobl - rhai ohonyn nhw nad oedden ni wedi eu gweld ers amser maith.

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We were in west Wales to celebrate the wedding blessing of our friends Métsal and Jagyür. The blessing was given by our Buddhist teachers. The whole day was joyful with lots of people and lots of food, drink and music too. It was really good to meet people - some of whom we hadn't seen for a long time.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Bendith priodas bwdhaidd
Description (English): Buddhist wedding blessing

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