
By PicturePoems

Here be Hebe!

"Midsummer Beauty". It really lives up to its name, especially when I learn that it likes an alkaline or neutral soil, and it's growing in heavy clay. EDIT: Just discovered clay soil IS alkaline!

As well as this in full bloom in the back garden, there's a buddleia in similar stages of flowering in the front garden. And yet, despite both of these, there is no sign of a butterfly. Don't know where they are this year!

Spent all day chez Family B. The young master was cheerful despite having croup, though he was growing hot and grizzly before we left, poor mite! I had a little paddle in the garden paddling pool with LMB when she came home from school. 

It's now grown quite humid and heavy, with cloud making the sky dark early. I wonder if it will rain. Hope so. It might clear the air a bit. EDIT 2: It didn't rain.

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