Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


After a wonderful weekend, which was quite emotional in many ways, both Mr. HCB and I were very tired last night and even after a full night’s sleep, we were both feeling shattered.

I decided that I couldn’t even worry about a Mono Monday shot, so when I saw how lovely the Blue Angel Clematis looked - the hard prune obviously did it good - 
with the gorgeous pink Rose next to it and the Acer in all its glory, I decided to open the gate between us and Mike and Lynn just a touch, so here is my Blip for today.

The Clinic rang while I was out shopping and I am now booked in to go for my second cataract operation on Saturday, 13th July.  I’m glad to say that it does not interfere with Mr. HCB going to cricket, although he said that wouldn’t have made any difference, bless him!

We sat in the garden this afternoon and enjoyed it - isn’t that what gardens are for?

Hope you all have a good week.  M xx  

P.S.  Thank you for all your lovely comments on Louise's baptism yesterday - she said she had a wonderful time and was back working at the Community Fridge today - we are there together on Thursday, so hope the customers are ready for us both! ;-) 

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