
By feorlean

Clearing up

The  Argyll Rally on Friday and Saturday left some damage to be cleared up.on the shore road between Glendaruel and Colintraive.

I didn't  get a picture of the gouged out verge where a car had turned over, but further along the road a  telephone poll was split in two (along with the wire it was carrying) when a car plunged off the road and down the embankment.    Further on a bit of the lochside wall had  also been destroyed.

Add to all  that the continued deterioration of an already poor road surface and the massive inconvenience to 29  homes (permanently occupied or rented)  on that part of the route, and it is little wonder that there is a growing chorus of complaint, with some people demanding that here is no recurrence next year. 

I haven't seen the other closed stages  so I don't know if there is equivalent damage there but the hay bales  (which marked chicanes and which did absorb at least one collision) were at the side of the Dunoon road when Cathleen and I drove back on Saturday night so I have added them in just for context. 

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