
By JennyOwen


And the pigeons are circling the ripening cherries. Time to get the nets up.
Not today though. We got a few other garden jobs done, and I went to Jack's house and printed a few photos for the Walkley Art Show, which starts next weekend. As ever, there was a bit of trial and error involved in getting the prints to come out well. I'm still a novice at this.
Later we met Val in the pub near her house for a pie and a drink. 
6 months on from her last Covid episode, she's still experiencing significant fatigue and breathing troubles; she and her GP agree that this is probably Long Covid. It seems to be a typical post-viral pattern, with good days and bad ones. However, she has managed to finish editing a novel that she wrote some time ago, and it will be published by Troubadour in the autumn - a kind of hybrid self-publishing company. Ruth has done the art work for the book cover; it's come out really well and apparently the publisher likes it. That's been a nice collaboration between Ruth and Val, and the whole thing is testament to Val's sheer determination and stamina.  I look forward to blipping a photo of the book when it appears.

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