Musing of a Lady

By inkstainedhands

Sunday Changes

Church and family. That is what Sundays look like for me. Though they don't always run in the same way. The church service today, for example, didn't have the typical format of announcements, songs, sermon, coffee. The leadership decided to have a time for announcements and then had some ministry time for the congregation. Followed by songs. It was different but it was like a breath of fresh air. And we did finish with coffee and socialising. Little Man had crèche and absolutely loved it. Caleb had come to church so my mum and Little Man went round to his place afterwards and my dad and I joined them a bit later on. We had some coffee and cake together in Caleb's garden. Little Man loves his uncle and really enjoyed himself.

We came home and had a relaxing time. Little Man had a short lie down and was full of beans when he got up. We're starting to keep him up later in the evenings because he often needs to burn off some steam before bed.

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