The Artist's Eye

By ArtistAnnie

What if?

Shelly and I have been exploring an idea that we both expect won’t happen. What if we shared a condo instead of living in two. His is bigger. Mine has two things I don’t want to give up: a place to paint with a big laundry sink and my own garage where I store my paintings. So we are thinking about what if he moved into mine? It would mean downsizing to the bare bones for him. For me it would involve fitting the essentials from his place into mine and doing some downsizing myself. Today I located the floor plan and bits of paper representing my things that I used when I moved here, to figure out where stuff would go. I measured some of Shelly’s furniture and made yellow cut outs to represent the pieces we are thinking of moving into mine. I think we could do it but am not sure we should. We do love having our own space. Why you ask are we thinking of this? Since I moved here five years ago our condo fees have gone way up. And there are several big projects that might require extra payments. Also he doesn’t use all the space in his condo. So we are thinking but no action that either of us sees in the near future.

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