
By spannarama

I saw puffins!

They were a looong way away, and my photos are all pretty rubbish, to be honest, but it was a day of so much beauty, and I finally found them, so that's me happy :)

Tim and I set out in the morning for a walk towards the north of the island.  We took sandwiches and ate them looking out over the sea, then carried on northwards.  Unfortunately, the sun got too much for Tim, so he turned back after we'd found the 'earthquake' (an impressive feature, apparently caused by an earthquake in Portugal in the 1700s), and I carried on slowly on my own, taking a meandering path - and far too many photos :)

I was pretty exhausted, but I was determined to see puffins, so (after a little lie down on a big rock, and a fortifying chocolate bar) I kept going until almost the northernmost point of the island - and finally found some. 

I headed back after that, and was surprised to see Tim walking towards me about halfway back - bless him, he'd been worried that I needed sun cream and would be running out of water, so he'd set out with both for me.  What a love.

We went back to the cottage for a while, and then went to the Marisco Tavern again for dinner and drinks.  Had a delicious mushroom bourgignon pie - and Tim had a Lundy game pie..

Lit a fire in the log burner when we got back - and also headed out again later to watch the sunset from a nearby hill.  Beautiful.

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