Nesting wren

Got packed up this morning, and helped Tim clean the car (he did most of it), then had some lunch and set off for Somerset.  Very odd leaving Tim and our new home when we've only been there for a couple of weeks - but lovely knowing that's where I'm coming back to in a week :)

Had a great journey (no M25 any more, hooray!) and arrived at my Mum's house just before 3pm.  Lovely to see her again :)  We had a relaxed couple of hours and then I drove over to my sister's, to give her and my niece a lift to the Glastonbury festival site (where my sister will be selling her handmade jewellery for the next week).  Another nice easy drive there and back, and exciting to see all the festival set-up - happy nostalgia (but also pretty happy not to be going there myself!)

Came back and cooked dinner for Mum and me - and watched the sweet little wren she has nesting in her clematis just outside the back door.  Maybe not quite so sweet looking if you can zoom in - she has a spidery treat in her beak for her babies...

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