
By helenann

Eye to Eye walk

Today, we took part in the annual Eye to Eye walk to raise funds for, and awareness of, Moorfields Eye Hospital. We did the 15mile walk, starting from Moorfields Eye Hospital at Old Street, then proceeding towards St Paul's cathedral, then eastwards to Spitalfields and then south to the Tower. We crossed the  Thames by Southwark bridge, and  continued along the South Bank past the London Eye, and re-crossed the river by Lambeth bridge, where I took my photo. We continued past Westminster  Abbey, around  Buckingham Palace,  then  behind Trafalgar Square, and on to Holborn, British Museum, and via Clerkenwell back to Moorfields. We were very glad we had been able to start at 9am before  it got really hot (upto 23C). We finished about 3.30pm. It was a fine walk and we enjoyed seeing  so many famous landmarks. Martin took the extra showing me between the London Eye and Westminster bridge.
We returned to my Mum's house afterwards, but we'll be returning  to Winchester tomorrow.         

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