Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco


All too soon, the tree swallows will be fledging from their box in my garden.  Already, the boldest of the brood is shoving his/her way to the entrance of the box so as to be first in line for whatever yummy things mom and dad deliver.  I snapped this just as dad was on the approach - isn't that gaping mouth just the cutest thing?  Yea, I thought so too.

I had a nice FT chat with my parents this morning, after spending a couple of hours in the garden.   Hubs and SIL went to Poconos Race Track in Pennsylvania very early this morning for a track day, basically an opportunity to take the race car out and put it through its paces at track speeds.  Mid day report from hubs contains lots of smiles.  

I checked on the nest boxes today.  The second box of House Wrens has fledged and the bluebird nest has two fresh blue eggs in it.  And I think a third House Wren nest may be underway.  Meanwhile, an adult Blue Jay with 5 loud, raucus youngsters showed up this morning - which pissed off a pair of robins to no end, resulting in a lot of chasing of baby blue jays through the trees.  No surprise - blue jays are omnivores and will just as happily eat eggs or small baby birds as seeds. And the robins know this apparently.  

I've been out of sorts today for no particular reason, so being able to spend some time outside has been a blessing.  It's still very hot but mostly overcast and breezy which makes it tolerable.


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