Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Clover Mower

This wasn't going to be my blip today, but at the last minute, I had a change of heart.  And it has not escaped my notice that not everyone is as keen on my bug shots as I am!  So today's feature is an Eastern Cottontail Rabbit on high alert.  It actually sat up like this for several minutes as if trying to figure out if I was dangerous or not.  I had been watching the swallows from the front porch when I first noticed the rabbit, specifically its backlit ears.  

In Extra is my runner up for today - a Laphria Robber Fly eating a Japanese Beetle!  I am fascinated with robber flies of all kinds but these big bee-mimics are especially fascinating.  When it first flew by me, I thought it was a bumble bee ... until I realized it had something clenched in its jaws.  

It is another 90F day with blazing sun.  It's really unpleasant to be outside for any length of time so I've been mostly indoors today.  Jax has been happy to snooze inside where it's cool, fortunately.  

My SIL is coming over for dinner and spending the night.  She and Hubs are taking his racecar to a track about an hour from here very early tomorrow morning for a track-day (basically to test everything out before putting the car in a race).  Unfortunately, it is going to be hot again tomorrow so they are going to be taking lots of water along to stay hydrated.  

We watched "Inside Man" last night which was very entertaining and fast paced.  

Dark with lime today.  I'm hooked.


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