Seeing Beyond Looking

By SandraSuisse

Pink Shirt Day

Today is pink Shirt Today, or so I read this morning.

This is what I read: 
"The Pink Shirt Day movement began in Nova Scotia when students David Shepherd and Travis Price organized a protest to wear pink to support their fellow Grade 9 student who was bullied for wearing a pink shirt. Now their care and concern is a movement celebrated across the globe. This peer-inspired campaign aims to prevent bullying in our schools, workplaces, homes, and online. Over February, and throughout the year, Pink Shirt Day increases awareness of these issues and raises funds to support programs that foster children’s healthy self-esteem."

I'm definitely against bullying of all kinds, so thought that I'd wear my pink shirt too! I rarely look in the right place when taking a selfie!

The geranium buds are on my balcony after watering this afternoon, and the Digitalis (Foxgloves)  were taken in a garden.

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