
By orchid99


A couple of days ago I was told of a rather special field of orchids not far from where I live. I went in search but found that the field in question had been mowed. I hope I got the wrong field but even if I did, it’s good news for the future.  We’d feared that the one or two orchids on this reserve had been stolen so a natural mowing could well save their future.

I keep my eyes open and found probably a dozen of different varieties. I find it hard to be precise as to which are Common spotted, early purple, northern (or Southern) marsh orchids etc…..

These were going unnoticed. Some had clearly had a pathway trodden to take photos, but these pathways didn’t stand out from the routes that happy chasing dogs would naturally make. 

It is a super year for orchids - and I’m seeing them in unexpected places. 

Good luck Scotland…….

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