*¨*:•Everyday Magic•:*¨*

By Squatbetty

Getting neater!

More amigurumi practice (following on from yesterday's extra). I'm now confident doing double crochet (single crochet in the US, just to make patterns a little more confusing!) yarn under rather than over. Took me a while to get used to the action after spending the last few weeks getting used to the traditional way. Yarn under gives a neater result for amigurumi toys. Today I also learned how to do an invisible decrease which again makes it look neater. Pretty chuffed with my progress, this is by far the neatest crocheting I've managed so far.

Had to put a damselfly out of the flat this afternoon - that's a first! They are so pretty but it was stressing so didn't want to prolong things by grabbing my camera.

Went for a nice stroll along the canal this evening. It was beautiful and seeing the crows made me feel very peaceful.

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