
By Jamjar

There was climbing on offer today, but it was at Lime Kiln Quarry in Wirksworth and I didn't fancy it. We're climbing tomorrow anyway so no point wearing myself out today. So I went into the Mind Shop and emptied my boot of all the donations that Fi gave me on Tuesday, and then worked for a few hours.

Later this afternoon I've walked to the allotment, watered and picked beet leaves and mangetout peas. Neither crop freezes very well, so I'll keep eating! 

On my way there I took these photos. One is the old sign, one is the new sign, and one is even newer. Apparently the old sign hasn't been removed because the new rules are an experiment and may be reversed. Confused... you will be, as it's on this stretch of road that I received my recent PCN because I was driving according to the old sign. I didn't even notice the new ones because the road is very narrow going past the school, there are a lot of (residents') parked cars and your eyes are ahead and sideways, not up. The time was 15.01 when I was clocked.

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