
By Jamjar

I was on my allotment by 9.30am, connected the hosepipe and gave everything a really good soaking. It's so much easier than with a watering can, thank goodness my plot is near a tap! Then I cut off all the spikes of horseradish that have found their way through, and pulled all the bindweed from the last undug half-bed. 

There were a couple more mangetout pods, which I had on my lunch salad together with the largest of the red lettuce. I'm twisting them off, rather than pulling them up, because I'm pretty sure they'll sprout again.

Then I fetched two barrow loads of wood chippings to refresh the paths, before going home... where there was more gardening - the lawn got mowed. 

My second compost bin is just about full, which meant that I needed to empty the first one. I probably shouldn't have done that in flip-flops, but it looks quite nice compost. I put half on the raspberries and will take the rest to the allotment to spread on the squash.

The main photo is of the chicken carcass in the slow cooker. I've been boiling up chicken bones for most of my adult life but have only recently become aware of the collagen that's obtained. Good for your gut and your joints.

The extra is of my lettuces, beet leaves and mangetout. 

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