
By Cumbrialass

Low wood

Wellwe got here and it's not rained . In fact it has become lovely and warm. 
 But what a journey!  Huge tailbacks 3 miles from home. Google showed it lasted 3 or 4 miles so we turned round and went across the town to the coast road. 
Then 15 miles from home there was another huge tail back due to roadworks and a road accident right on the Newby Bridge roundabout. 
So.I turned off to go "up the lanes'. They were very narrow, but luckily every one we passed was taking care and we managed to squeeze past . It took a while to reach Hawkshead so we stopped for a walk. M bought a shirt. 
Then on to Ambleside and the Low Wood hotel. It took 2 hours to do what is normally a 45 min journey
But we arrived safely. That's when M realised he'd left his bag with his shirts and trousers at home ! Just as well he bought a shirt in Hawkshead!
We had a cool drink then up to the grassy terrace above the hotel and sat and drank in the gorgeous view. 
A wonderful meal in the Blue Smoke restaurant them a stroll by the lake with Fletch.  Warm and not a breath of wind. 

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