Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Scaring crows

Just another Saturday!  Down to the pier for fresh fish and on to the library so I don't run out of books to read. As if!

We'd decided to go out for a wander and lunch, so headed off to the Isle of Seil and drove down to Ellenabeich. Strangely the place was looking very uncared for - several empty houses and others for sale, weeds all around the village centre and hardly anyone about. The pub and shop both looked closed, but a closer inspection revealed small 'Open' signs on both, so after a walk around the harbour we retired to the Oyster Bar for lunch. 

On the way back we called in to 'An Cala', to see the garden and maybe catch up with our friend Sheila. She spotted us from the window and invited us in for a cuppa.

Next month Seil will be hosting their usual 'Scarecrow Festival' and there were several already out, including this one by the Bridge Over The Atlantic, my Blip today. Very clever! On the way back we spotted these two climbers, though not quite so scarecrowish! Today's extra.

Quote of the Day: 'That prudery  which survives youth and beauty resembles a scarecrow left in the fields after harvest.'' - Jean Antoine Petit-Senn.

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