
By Julesey

Mating Moths

SHortage of blippage tonight. Finished work late - 6.30 . By the time I'd made a meal for everyone, eaten it and cleared up after everyone it was 8 o clock. I was going to go to the Begwyns and go for the sunset but Steve fancied driving over to Llanstephan Church. I definately must go back there but we had missed the light by about 10 minutes, the sun having just dipped behind the trees. We walked further on along a footpath and found an amazing meadow full of thistles, grasses and flowers. It was also home to a herd of bullocks and Munchkin took to playing 'trust the crust' with the cow pats. he is not very good at it unfortunately and will need a bath before bed time.
The meadow was also full of fluttering things. White moths , brown and orange butterflies and Burnet Moths. I caught these two 'in flagrante' . On reading up on them the males are rather horrible and stake out cocoons hoping to catch newly emerged virgin females. These two are probably both young as their colours are bright.
Would have been nicer if I'd had the macro lens .

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