Jillian's Journal

By Daring2Go

The Arrow River …..

….. ….. ….. with the Remarkable Mountains in the distance.

Another frosty start followed by raw & bleak cloud cover, but! It’s the shortest day, so the days will start to lengthen again. We’re warned that colder weather is ahead though. Oh well! My wrist isn’t enjoying the cold, it aches. My physio did warn me!

I seem to have flicked from one thing to another all day but did get the two most important boxes ticked. Firstly I had some papers that needed signing this morning, and I got them posted this afternoon. Even more important, I had a lovely long chat with my oldest friend Mary this evening; it’s her birthday. We first met on our very first day at school, quite a long time ago now!

I found a view of some wintery trees through a gap in an old tree trunk - Extras. Does that appeal to anyone?

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