
By KathyH58


The temperature this afternoon was 34 C/ 93F and with the humidity if felt like 37 C. One community here is NS was the 4th hottest place in the world this afternoon.

We had a tandem load of mulch delivered this morning, that is 18 yards of mulch. We started at 8 am and finished at 2 pm. Some of the crew had to do some weeding first. After lunch everyone was working on the mulch, and I told them to take turns going with the wheelbarrows. Plus take frequent breaks and drink lots of water. After we finished, 3 of them jumped into the lake to cool off.

Since tomorrow's job is in the same subdivision, I had A follow me so we could drop off some tools and the wheelbarrows. I'm glad that I did because I found out that the soil that was supposed to have been delivered on Wednesday afternoon was not there. I called the supplier and their truck had broken down and would not be available until later on Friday. And no one had called me to let me know! I called another contractor to see if he could pick it up and deliver it for me, he has a dump trailer. Fortunately he said he could pick it up right after he drops his daughter as school at 8 am. As long as nothing goes wrong with the sod delivery tomorrow, then the job should go well.

At least it is supposed to be slightly cooler tomorrow with the high temperature to reach 27 C.

Happy Summer Solstice!

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