
By JackyMT

The Question is

"What on earth are they doing"
This field runs alongside the wood we go to with the dog, The farm changed hands a short while ago. It has always been arable land until last year when there were sheep in it, suddenly this year we noticed the bulldozer moving all the top soil (you can see it piled up in the far background) Then they started digging out the limestone and piling it up in huge hills, the pics don't really show how big they are, or how deep the hole is becoming.
No one seems to know what they are doing, all the people who go to the wood are all baffled. It started off people thought they were going to build houses but the hole got too deep, maybe a lake for wildlife, but no stream nearby to fill it and it would take a heck of a lot of water to fill it manually. The strange thing is they are not moving the great piles of limestone away, just moving it round, so is it a quarry. Nor are they moving the topsoil. We await developments.

It's been a lovely day and we have got quite a bit of odd gardening jobs done. I tied up the rose that rambles up the side of the front porch, as the window cleaner is due and he would have had a job cleaning them with that in his way. I also weeded the rhubarb patch and fed them with chicken manure. My reward was some rhubarb to pick, very pleased it has taken so well after I had to transplant it when Tanzy trampled it down barking at next doors dog.  I moved it and put a fence round it and I have 5 healthy plants growing now, with some nice rhubarb stalks.

Plus lots of other jobs got done, lawn cut, and a section behind the greenhouse fenced off so Paula could use weed killer on the brambles. They are growing wild next door and keep coming through under and over the fence. Their garden is a mess. Full of junk and brambles and weeds all intertwined. A tree fell down some time back, so he did chop it all up but just left it in the garden on the thing that is laughingly known as a lawn.

Looks like it may be a nice few days coming along so more jobs will get done outdoors I hope.

Happy Solstice 

Tired now.

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