
By JackyMT

Another Scarecrow postbox topper

The scarecrow festival seems to have been well attended by a strange variety of scarecrows. I have passed a few but always in the car and unable to stop.

Yesterday got the results of Tanzys blood test and the vet said she was very pleased to tell me that Tanzy is fine, no problems with her kidneys or other functions they test. So she emailed a prescription for remedyl and we got some tablets to tide her over till they came from 365 vets. Hopefully they will help with any pain she gets, they certainly seem to work. Shes only stiff first thing but after a tablet, half an hour and she is fine.

Had a nice  warm sunny walk in the woods today, only saw 1 person with a dog. We went in the afternoon because we had to wait in this morning for the engineer to come and service the stairlift which had developed a few funny noises. He soon put it right. I got all my cleaning done in the morning so had a nice leisurely afternoon.

Sounds like it could be a nice day tomorrow, fingers crossed.

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