
By ayearinthelife


A long day today - especially after the late night yesterday - but there was a lot to fit in. We set off to Chester straight after breakfast and called on mum to see how she was coping whilst my sister is in hospital. Surprisingly well, it would seem - she was just having something to eat before heading off to the hairdresser!
Satisfied that she was ok, I then went to the hospital to see my sister. She is definitely improving each time I see her, though she appeared more delighted to see the replacement phone I’d got for her (her’s had completely died) than she was to see me! The doctors are hoping to start planning her return home soon, which is good news.
We then set off to where we’d always been planning to go today (the Chester trip was unplanned), the monthly Bridge House Classic Car Event in Wray. The fine weather meant there was a good turnout and we spent a happy couple of hours wandering around, alternating between feelings of lust (Ferraris and McLarens) and nostalgia (Escorts, Minis, Midgets and other cars I used to own - and wish I still did!)
The Ferrari 335 in the picture looked a little too good to be true. And it was. It’s actually a replica, albeit an extremely good one. There were a couple of other cars there that were replicas but, again, you’d be hard pressed to tell without very close scrutiny.
Thankfully, we didn’t have any of yesterday’s traffic issues, so we were home in good time for tea. They also do Bike events at the same venue, so I might have a run out to the next one if this good weather holds for another couple of weeks. And the next Classic Car event is a motorsport themed one with invites going out to owners of historic competition cars - that will definitely be worth having a look at.

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