Life is a Challenge!

By Honeycombebeach


It’s Thursday and the day I went back to the Community Fridge since my absence on holiday and then following my eye surgery.

It was great to be back and after doing some of the packing up of various items, namely KFC, sausage rolls and mushrooms.  Sadly most of the avocados were past their best, so will probably end up in someone's compost bin.  I then spent sometime chatting to those who had come into the Community Fridge.  

We had some beautiful flowers and I hope that the person who took these peonies and the person who receives them, will be happy.  Personally, I never cut ours in the garden to bring indoors, but just enjoy them where they grow.  

There was plenty of other stuff there today - mountains of bread and crumpets and lots of clementines, but not that many bananas.  

It was good to be back but very tiring and of course, it was rather hot today, which didn’t help.  I have just cooked our evening meal and am now going to rest before we go out to our Church Meeting this evening so there probably won’t be many comments - sorry!  M xx 

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