Grumpy Old Man

By Maurice1948

Come in, deer!

When I get up in the morning I usually take a peep out of the spare bedroom window, the one which looks out over the drive to the hills beyond. 

To my surprise a roe deer was walking along the side of the house, and as I watched he nibbled some leaves from my Geranium palmatum, so I rushed for my camera and took a very quick shot through the kitchen window. Assuming he would keep going I opened the front door, and sure enough, he walked past - my Blip today. I should have asked him in for breakfast!

He turned on to the deck and when I opened the lounge window he shot off along the deck sounding like a racehorse when the going is hard! I caught him as he plunged down the steps - my extra today. None of my pictures were very sharp, but he was moving!

I spent the morning cutting down ferns and hazels on the bank then walked down town after lunch to pick up a prescription from Boots. I sat on a seat overlooking the bay for a while, with an ice-cream - a smaller one than the other day - then walked home to sit in the sun with a book and a peppermint milk-shake. 24 degrees in the shade and 35 in the sun. Who needs a holiday on the Costa Brava!

Quote of the Day: 'I love living with animals. And my children love animals. I love walking around and being with the horses. But the deer? They're naughty.' - Stephanie Seymour.

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