
By KatesGardenPDX

Community Supported Agriculture

Or CSA for short. In a nutshell, for those that don’t know about this model, people buy shares in local farms offering CSA’s, which in turn supports the farm. You get a certain amount of the produce harvested in any given week. I share a half share with my friend Missy - we both live alone and couldn’t possibly use more than what we pick up.

I love going to the farm - just 10 minutes west of my house. Wednesday is our pick up day and we typically meet there and divvy up the bounty.

Lots of typical late spring veggies today: chard, onions, lettuce, peas, fennel, broccoli, potatoes, and some lovely unexpected things like baby zucchini and basil.

Although I have my own garden which duplicates a lot of the same veggies, it’s always a joy to go to the farm, and to buy their eggs…incredibly fresh. And I love supporting this very sweet family!

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