
By KatesGardenPDX

Morning Walk

It was a gorgeous day, sunny, cool, breezy. I went for a reasonable walk, I didn't want to make my hip hurt. But I so enjoyed myself, looking at all of the changes in people's gardens!

I found a Matililja Poppy - Romneya coulteri - in someone's garden - love these beauties. In the extra, the Dogwoods are simply stunning this year. I believe this is a Kousa Dogwood, because it's blooming so late. 

I had a lovely lunch with friends today at our local garden center's cafe. Did quite a bit of work on my class, which starts next Monday egads. Then planted a Crape Myrtle in the entrance garden - it's not a huge plant and I've been soaking the soil so it was easy to turn. Then watered everything, despite the rain things were quite dry.

Busy day tomorrow - eye doc, HOA annual meeting, a bit of grocery shopping and more classwork ;-)

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