
By amandoAlentejo

After the Rain

Mike and I did the Lula walk late on; this is as close as I ever get to the herons here (and this with a zoom lens), who fly off at the slightest sight of us. 

Everything washed clean, and delightfully cool after an absolute deluge in the morning - extra looking towards the hill opposite from our patio. So grateful, especially as it came after strimming and pruning and tying up the tomato plants, which are taking over, as usual. No more rain predicted, and temperatures climbing again from tomorrow.

- lunch at Morango Bar with Mireille and Dan, so good to catch up
- the reprieve on high temperatures and the wonderful watering of rain, irrigation is never the same
- finishing off a PDC with Aldeir and Nicéia, and that they've manged to buy a ticket to Brazil, first time since they arrived

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