
By amandoAlentejo

Pegs and Precipitation

 The big news today is that we woke to cooler temperatures and some rain, amazing in June. And more predicted. Had to bring the washing in. Very grateful as it's dampened the dust and meant Mike could strim what grew up in our absence without risk of starting a fire.

Extra of hoopoe which was taking advantage of the softer ground, not brilliant, but better than I've got before.

- Mike removing a tangle of bramble that had got out of hand in the garden
- family calling, helps with the saudades
- beautiful Lula walk this afternoon; videos on my status for those who have my WhatsApp

Not grateful for: 
- Aduro waking me up way too early with loud meowing, hope she settles down!
- laptop troubles, which I've now sorted at gone midnight

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