An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

The look of...

Love mischief!  This girl has been a madam today.  Barking for no reason then giving me this face when she gets a telling off!  Impossible to resist! :-))

Today seems to have flown by and I still have a lot of tasks unticked on my to do list.

I did manage to menu plan for the coming week, and for the following week when our Skye friends are here.  It's both the girl's birthdays the day after they arrive, so need to get my head in party mode and party food mode.

I also created a small painting and used it to make a sympathy card for our friend Elaine.  David's funeral is 27th, which is sooner than I expected.  

My latest course of antibiotics finish today.  Tomorrow I start the six month course of antibacterial medication in an effort to beat this persistent UTI without the use of antibiotics, which I have been on almost constantly since last August.  

I was concerned about the medication killing good gut bacteria but having researched it a bit more today, I am relieved to learn it is only effective against bacterial infections in the urinary tract.  That's a relief!  Please pardon the pun :-))

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