An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

If you want the rainbow...

You have to put up with the rain.  Dolly P makes a good point.

More torrential rain here today.

I was meeting friends Janice and Fiona for lunch at the Cairn.  Didn't realised on Sunday that I would be back so soon!  The waiter was laughing when he saw me in the restaurant and asked if I'd been hiding in the bar since Sunday :-). Thankfully the rain had gone off just before I made my way to the hotel so I arrived in a non-drookit state :-)

Fiona and Janice arrived not long after me and we spent a very enjoyable afternoon catching up.  While we were in the restaurant the rain stayed away but of course as soon as it was time to head home, the heavens opened and the rain thundered down.  I had a brolly but by the time I got home (it's literally minutes) my jeans were soaked!  

D meanwhile was taking shelter at the driving range and took this photo once the rain stopped.  Using it as my blip as it's much better than any photo I took today and a more hopeful shot than the one I took of the rain spattered window of the hotel.  The news is the weather is to improve by the weekend.  Here's hoping. 

I wasn't home long when the news came of the death of a friend after a very short battle with pancreatic cancer.  Absolutely heartbreaking.  David was such a lovely man.  One of life's good 'uns.  We've known him and his wife Elaine for many, many years (Elaine sings in the vocal harmony group David sings in) and his mum and D's mum were good friends.  That will be a very hard funeral.  

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