
By StephenF

HMS Belfast

I was going bowling today at Tonbridge Wells but didn't get beyond Junction 10 of the M25 because an accident had brought the East-bound  traffic to a standstill. By the time it cleared, I would have been an hour late so I went off at the next junction to return home. I then spent the afternoon cleaning brambles and other unwanted growth in the front garden, which was more demanding as exercise than 3 rounds of tenpin bowling. So, in the absence of anything worth photographing, other than a large bag of garden waste, I have resorted to a back blip from yesterday's London Legal Walk. The main photo is of HMS Belfast, which is permanently moored on the Thames and is part of the Imperial War Museum. The Belfast featured in the recent  80th anniversary commemorations of the D-Day landings. It was one of the ships stationed off the Normandy coast that shelled the German defensive positions prior to the landing craft going in. I have visited it and remember the ship being pretty cramped in places which, interestingly, is how I also remember HMS Victory, Nelson's flagship, in dry dock in Portsmouth. The extra photo is taken a bit further along the Southbank and shows that feat of Victorian engineering, Tower Bridge, overlooking the Tower of London that dates back to the Norman Conquest in 1066. 

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