David J. Rose

By djrose007

Two great jobs done

I can't take any credit for the job well done in the Extra, the council did that. The bushes were overgrown right across the pavement so no-one could pass without going on the road. I was going to contact the council about it but when we were walking to the school sports day a couple of council workers were clearing the roadside guttering and weeds growing on the paving. Marlane asked them if they were going to do the overgrown bushes and they said, 'We'll be doing that tomorrow'. True to their word, they did. And a nice neat job they did.
The main photo is something that both of us can take credit for. When we get back from school the girls generally dump their bikes, on the ground, at the front door. Marlane thought it would be good if we could make them a bike rack, and she had something in mind to use. What you see in the photograph was straight, at one time, and acted as a shelf for the outside, glass topped, table. We got it from the back garden and tried to bend it, was it ever tough to bend. We had to wedge it between the concrete fence post and the wall down the side of the house and stand on the middle of it. That started a slight bend and then we got my ratchet strap and that bent it a lot more, but we got to the end of the strap. Had to resort to using a cushion to protect our hands and just leaned on it with out combined weight, and that did it.
A couple of screwy type, strong, tent pegs at the back and a small metal bracket and couple of bolts at the front to keep it firm and that was it. great job, and it works!

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