talloplanic views

By Arell

Petal to the metal

Another hefty commute in the bag.  It's pretty amazing to think I used to do this four or five times a week, albeit without all the laptoppery I have to take these days, but I was fit back then too.  Thanks to rubbish sleep I went in quite early this morning, but at least I got to cycle home early, and in warm sunshine, which helped my turn of speed, although I was going into the wind a lot, which didn't.  A pit stop at a post office for some Jiffy bags means I can return the derailleur that doesn't work.  I rounded out the evening catching up with lovely bestie again.

Somehow I didn't manage to take any photographs while riding home, despite road works, aqueducts, the canal, an historic boat house, the old hospital and a tree I like to visit periodically, all of which could've made a good subject.  So here is one of the pink striped roses in my garden.

Tomorrow looks like it will be more of the same officegoing, but I think I might roll out on Madame Fidra.  It might even be warm enough for leathers.

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