Arkensiel Photography

By arkensielphoto

We Are Seventeen Today

We are seventeen today and so I get to write in the journal because I am special. No Dougal, you are the only one that can write!! Our sister Sybil’s human mummy sent over a photography of her this morning so that she could be included as she is seventeen today too.
We got a new blanket each, some catnip toys, which Florence likes playing with and a new food bowl. I am not sure what Sybil received as presents.
Our human mummy has been busy this morning in the garden, she planted some more flowering plants in the garden and sorted out the hanging baskets, which can go out once they settle; whatever that means. There were over forty Jackdaws in the garden this morning, we do not like them, but we are safe indoors; our human mummy does not like them either, when there as so many. Our human Daddy has blipped some of them.
Anyway, I am off to sleep on my new blanket, I have been sleeping on Florence’s blanket all morning as I do not want to make mine dirty!
I also have to say that the temperature at noon today was eighteen degrees Celsius.  

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