
By suehutton

Poppies at the edge of the road

Len cooked a delicious brunch then went off to play tennis. Meanwhile, I dallied and dillied and finally napped on the settee. I woke after an hour and thought it high time to take Basil and me out. We Cecilied up Leicester Road to the junction with the A512.

I was glad of my sweater because breezes can feel chill on the scooter. Basil was on my right hand side, close to the traffic, particularly the huge Arriva bus. Exhaust fumes are emitted at about small dog level but Basil never complains.

I'd gone up the Leicester Road because I'd seen poppies at the corner and I do love poppies. There were several on the other side of the road but I was not going to try to negotiate the huge queue of traffic, so I made do with these four poking out of the gutter.

I made a lentil veggie cheese bake for tea and was relieved when it turned out alright, but Len didn't approve because it was veggie.

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