For the family

By RonaMac

No guessing where we were

In the morning I put away all of the clothes that have been stacked up on the spare bed during the reorganisation of the sewing room. It was good to see that everything fits in. 

A trip to town for a hair cut for B, before the appointment at the surgery for a change of dressing. We had 30 minutes to spare between the appointments so went to the coffee shop. 

The dressing was done by the practice nurse, but we discovered that the referral by the hospital should have been made to the ‘Ambulatory community nurse’, part of the community nursing service. It appears that this service doesn’t see people at home, but the patient goes to them. We visited the 1st floor of the GP Practice today and have to go back to the 2nd floor tomorrow. Not sure how things are set up these days, very different to my days. They anticipate that it will take 4 to 6 months to fully heal. The follow up appointment to see the the consultant has been received…..November !!!! A slow process :0(

In a lighter tone. I watched the Sewing Bee on tv tonight and India was the theme. Only today I found 2 saris that we bought on holiday in India and Nepal a number of years ago. I intended to make things from them, but never did. (Pic in extras) 

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