
By Bom

Kestrel Chicks

H and I walked at Felbrigg this morning on what's been a glorious sunny day and not too hot - perfect for me. The walk through the woods was shockingly muddy and slippy, worse than I've seen most winters. At one point we passed a dead tree and H heard some chicks calling. We could see the tree had a huge knot hole about  10-15ft up, and could see a little movement at the bottom at the front. So I took a few photos and I could definitely see it was one, if not two chicks. The parent was about to deliver food, but saw us and veered off to nearby trees to wait until we left. I was delighted to see when I cropped the photos and edited them that it was two kestrel chicks - I've added another to Extras of a sleepy chick dozing in the sun. Instead of a cuppa at the end of the walk, we both had a lovely ice cream (mine was stem ginger). This afternoon after watching a bit of tennis, I sat out in the garden listening to Ron Warmington from Second Sight giving his damning evidence to the Post Office Inquiry. I think that's only about the 5th time I've sat out this year, and I love sitting out in the sun, but it's largely been absent. Now I'm watching what might be Andy Murray's last appearance at Queens. 

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