
By Bom

Dragonfly and Harvest Mice

A sunny morning was forecast so I took myself off to the gardens of Natural Surroundings for when they opened at 10:30. Lots of four-spotted chasers around the pond, but generally too quick to photograph. Then the sun when in around 11 and a nearby shoot started up with guns firing every second. That put an end to anything interesting to photograph. So I nipped in the shed to see how the harvest mice were doing, and saw that they'd had babies. I've add a collage in Extras taken with my iPhone, the parent is on the right and hopefully you can make out some of the babies in the other two photos. I've been watching the tennis at Queens this afternoon - some nasty falls and injuries on the lush grass. I wonder if Wimbledon is researching an artificial surface that plays like grass with a lower bounce and which is faster than other hard surfaces - I think it might be time. I got one lot of washing done and line dried by lunchtime, then ironed this afternoon. We did get some rain this afternoon, but less than forecast and it barely registered. 

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