
By PorridgeWog

Reflections of Hoy

DDW's July Challenge Day 9 : Horse

I checked the challenge for today and I knew where I would find my subject. Down by the shore at Warbeth, where I walk the dogs most days, there are two Shetland ponies in a field overlooking the sea. Both of them black and a bit wild looking. One of them, however, has very very short legs. The rest of it is normal size meaning its belly is no more than a couple of inches off the ground. I always find the pony very comical - Bob refers to it as "Stumpy the wonder horse" (you wonder how it manages with such tiny legs) and I had intended a blip of it today. Bob was keen to see the results of my photographic foray.
I took a whole bunch of pics of Stumpy, and one or two of Stumpy's friend. When I looked through my pics, this one had to be the one - Hoy, the sea and the beach all reflected in Stumpy's friend's eye. View it large, its better that way.
Sorry Bob, I'll make it up to you....

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