
By Winsford


Down to Edinburgh today for Bookgroup. I'm staying with RB13 but she had another engagement to go to first so I decided to walk over to C's. 

My walk took me through Holyrood Park which I hadn't visited for quite a while and then through Abbeyhill and Restalrig.

There were 6 of us - HazelH and Arclight couldn't join  us on this occasion.

Our book was Ice by Anna Kavan which provoked a more negative reaction than positive. I found aspects of it interesting and found myself thinking  I'd missed bits until I realised it was meant to be disorientating/fragmented. It did provoke a good discussion  though.

Christine prepared a most wonderful & delicious feast with white accompaniments as homage to book title.

Lots of good chat as always.

I shall sleep well tonight. 

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