
By biddy

An afternoon in Hanna’s garden.

Thankyou for many of your comments yesterday.
I have had a Very short walk in the Park this morning with Stephen, followed by a coffee in Blackroot Bistro. Exactly 3 weeks ago today where we had the wonderful Blipmeet!
I had to drop Stephen off to see a client this afternoon and then went on to see my friend Hanna in her lovely garden, where we had a mug of tea each and a catch up.
I took lots of photos, most of which are now on my Facebook page.
The washing was put out first thing, brought in when we got back from the Park as it began to rain, then out again just before tea in lovely sunshine, where hopefully it will be fully dry before too long.
I will put a photo in extras of the sky last night at 22.50. It was still fairly light. The longest day arrives at the end of the week.
But it still doesn’t feel like Midsummer!

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